forum > Photography

Working with a model

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--- Цитата: Talya от Декабря 27, 2007, 02:24:54 am ---Lev, I'm really sorry. I did not mean anything wrong. I will put it in capital letters, if needed. I really like your photos. I think you do great job, very creative, artistic, technically perfect. I think your subject is great, your models are beautiful, I enjoy looking at your photos, including nude ones.

Let roll back. You asked what possible can happend and I give you an example what possible can happend in your case. 10% is more than enough for that. If you were shooting crocodiles alive I would also think you should not touch your model but for completelly different reason.  ;D

Another example, not photography but very professional. Our family doctor refused recently to see my ten years old son for annual check-up without my presence. They have a police which forbid a physician to be left alone with kid. If they have to they must have nurse at the same room all the time. He said he has a friend who was sued by a mother who based her story on 8-yearold son complains. his friend did not lost practice completelly but they had to move and whole thing cost him a fortune. As my physician said this is only one case between hundreds of doctors he knows but he does not want to take chances here.

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1. if i was working with tigers or crocodiles, I WOULD touch them. sure and 100%. it's maybe hard to believe for you or Sybille and will make you laugh but I WOULD. how can you really make something good with such a borders. animal trainer could be affraid to touch tiger and still be trainer, but will never go big with such a limits. same applies to photography. i never shoot other people realities - i create realities. and if i need a touch in photographic reality i create - sure i will touch. how can i create within such a limits? it would be ridiculous for me to be limited with "no touch" stuff in art creation. touch is nothing comparing to psycological connection we have with model when working really good.

i said and i repeat it doesn't apply to commercial stuff guys were talking about. if i'd shoot hired models or if i'd shoot as a hired master i would most probably act within "ask before touching" rule. it only applies to "please make some art with me, Mr. Dolgachov" situations, but i only have this kind of situations in my work.

2. scary story about the doctor. i can also give a lot of scary stories of famous people being sued for fake rapes. so not being famous is much safer too. one chooses a life. to be famous or to pretend he's safe. to touch tigers or to be nothing more than average animal trainer. to call police when being blackmailed or to be scared and search for money he thinks he should pay to criminals. life is simple. 


--- Цитата: Talya от Декабря 27, 2007, 02:46:06 am ---Erotic, at least good part of them. I may intent something else, I do not know, but this is an impression I and all other people I discussed your photos with got from your portfolio.

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once more, 85% of my pictures are not content filtered on most modest stocksites. so why you pointed your finger at me with "i know what KIND of pictures you shoot" when i asked where did you take an idea we are talking about nudes here?

To Lev
There is a difference between being scared and buying an insurance, do not you thing?

And I do not understand why you are drawing line between you and other photograthers. In both cases it is a business. You did not get pay for shooting, but you sell them late. Models do not get money but they get great photos they probably would never get otherwise. I do not understand why your rules would suddenly change if you will get paid or pay somebody.

BTW, I got master degree in pschycology from russian university and I can recall only two special trainings where touching was involved.



1. to get real good is ALWAYS a step out of comfort zone.

2. becouse the way we work is EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE. traditional way is to "keep your distance", my way is to "break the borders".
i'll clarify "paid" issue you don't undrestand yet. once one is paid, the other one virtually starts baing a "boss" you mentioned in your harrassment memories.

3. you've got master degree in psychology and have a problems with people touching you? amazing.


--- Цитата: dolgachov от Декабря 27, 2007, 02:50:11 am ---
--- Цитата: Talya от Декабря 27, 2007, 02:46:06 am ---Erotic, at least good part of them. I may intent something else, I do not know, but this is an impression I and all other people I discussed your photos with got from your portfolio.

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once more, 85% of my pictures are not content filtered on most modest stocksites. so why you pointed your finger at me with "i know what KIND of pictures you shoot" when i asked where did you take an idea we are talking about nudes here?

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15% is enough to give an example. You take some nude photo with some models. And the rest of them are still erotic even if they are not filtered. It is not necessary.
You know, I have a question too.  Why did you get so mad about this issue? is it something wrong with shooting nude? Just curious.


--- Цитата: Talya от Декабря 27, 2007, 03:16:18 am --- And the rest of them are still erotic even if they are not filtered.

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1. so you pretend to know what i shoot better than i do?

--- Цитата: Talya от Декабря 27, 2007, 03:16:18 am ---
You know, I have a question too.  Why did you get so mad about this issue? is it something wrong with shooting nude? Just curious.

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becouse you mixed the things i say IN GENERAL with nudity. becouse i was talking about touching. and you mixed it with nudity. and i didn't say anything about shooting nudes. involving nudity makes an impression i touch nude models the way i described my work in general wich would be ABSOLUTE LIE. working with nude models, wich is less than 10% of my work is a separate issue where absoluthely other rules applied. noone said "nude" before you did it here. so i'm asking again - who gave you a right to say here you know what i shoot when you really have no idea what i shoot?

am i stepping up with "i know what you snoot?" am i? am i connect the way you work with making an impression you work with nude models same way you work in general? am i telling you "and rest of them are still the way i say they are" about your works?

you have no idea how i work when i shoot nudes. i never told you how i work with nudes. never ever bring nudity issue into discussion any more when talking about me and my way of working unless we are really speaking about nude photography. you say "15% is ok to give an example". what #@#$$ example? am i giving any "examples" connecting you with touching nudes? i don't. you say "personal space"? well it's you who's really touching personal space here by mixing nudity with the way i work first, saying you know what KIND of pictures i shoot better than me second and saying 10% of my portfolio is enough to think the things i say in general are connected with nude photography.

never. ever. do it. anymore. period.


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