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Working with a model

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--- Цитата: dolgachov от Декабря 26, 2007, 11:03:35 pm ---once more: where i live it's absoluthely ok to be touched by professional working with you as a subject. doctor, hairdresser, fitness instructor, make-up artist, photographer, trainer, lector, teacher. to be touched professional and friendly way.

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Ok. I do not expect photographer who makes passport photo to touch me, at least not without asking first. Not here in USA, not in Russia. I may say nothing but I doubt I will evere come again. I do not expect my karate sensei to touch me and somehow he never did in three years. There is very limited list of classes where I would expect teacher to touch me without asking.
I brought boss here not because he was a boss but because he really, truly did not believe that not everybody is OK with his friendly "touch". Hopefully it is not your case. Probably you are really a person whom everybody trusts and does not mind to be touched. Just in case you will understand me wrong again: this is a good thing in my book to be such person. Maybe I totally wrong and thing are totally different in Estonia. But in Russia people tend to underestimate discomfort they cause by interventing in personal space or touch somebody even in professional and friendly way. I guess because of so many years of using overloaded public transportation  ;D

Lev, I'm really sorry. I did not mean anything wrong. I will put it in capital letters, if needed. I really like your photos. I think you do great job, very creative, artistic, technically perfect. I think your subject is great, your models are beautiful, I enjoy looking at your photos, including nude ones.

Let roll back. You asked what possible can happend and I give you an example what possible can happend in your case. 10% is more than enough for that. If you were shooting crocodiles alive I would also think you should not touch your model but for completelly different reason.  ;D

Another example, not photography but very professional. Our family doctor refused recently to see my ten years old son for annual check-up without my presence. They have a police which forbid a physician to be left alone with kid. If they have to they must have nurse at the same room all the time. He said he has a friend who was sued by a mother who based her story on 8-yearold son complains. his friend did not lost practice completelly but they had to move and whole thing cost him a fortune. As my physician said this is only one case between hundreds of doctors he knows but he does not want to take chances here.

i was born in Russia, i grew up in Russia and i teached people practical psychology in Russia. i never experienced touch issues in Russia. i touched people and people touched me. no real difference with Estonia. i see friends - we touch and shake hands. Estonia is much more "cold" than Russia. Still Estonia is no problem to touch.

i studied matrial arts too and was touched by my teachers on regular basis. i was also touched by my teachers in school and University, both in Russia and Estonia. i was touched by my psychology trainers. i'm touched by people in my shop every day. i walk by, people touch my hand and ask "can you please help me?". it's absoluthely natural and ok. touch is a way of communication. i meet my models or friends i didn't see for a lont time - we hug. once i meet Italian people - we hug and kiss if we have common friends. i had very few times in my life i told "don't touch me" to those who i really disliked, mostly drunk strangers on parties. and i can't remember single time i've heard "don't touch me". well, maybe few times from my girlfriends or wifes when they were in dramatic mood like "nobody likes me, i hate the world, please don't touch me, please don't look at me, i'm awful", but it really has nothing to do with touch.

if you'll be on SX conference in Moscow this spring i will make a show for you. i'll touch 30 or 50 people in a row in a front of you. in Russia you're talking about. nobody will have a problem with it. or even better - i'll ask people and 50 people in a row will touch me. perfect strangers. i can also touch SX people from Hungary and America in a front of you and you'll see it will not make any objection. i hope you'll see it's ok and has NOTHING to do with any harrassment.

if Sean, Frenk or Bobby will come, i will touch them and let them touch me.

i will not touch you, but once you'll feel it's ok for you to touch me, i'll say thank you when you'll do ;]


still you didn't answer the question , what KIND of pictures i shoot.


--- Цитата: Talya от Декабря 27, 2007, 02:24:54 am --- If you were shooting crocodiles alive I would also think you should not touch your model but for completelly different reason.  ;D

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Talya, that absolutely made my day! SOOO funny, ROFL!!!! SY

Erotic, at least good part of them. I may intent something else, I do not know, but this is an impression I and all other people I discussed your photos with got from your portfolio.


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