forum > Photography

Working with a model

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Time for a couples of hours rest for this topic, it will be unlocked tomorrow. SY

SY, lev said he would not touch me so we are not going to kill each other, common :)

Lev, this topic is locked until tomorrow for everybody to calm down. As you are an admin on this forum you will be still able to post, but nobody else can reply. Please take also a pause until tomorrow. Thanks SY

Can we please go back to the original posters question:

--- Цитата: Aleksey от Декабря 02, 2007, 08:28:29 pm ---You know, it's always hard to begin process of shooting a model, no matter if you working with your friend or if it is the first session with a new model. From case to case, the first dozens in session (or even all the pics) are coming with scared, closed, unnatural emotions. Do you know some tips or recommendations how to relax people under focused lense?

One of such relaxant is to setup your AF-mode for AI Servo and to ask your model to spin as fast as he/she can . Then -- start shooting  ;) I've tested this for several times -- and it is working..

I'm sure it is not the only trick, isn't it?   ::)


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--- Цитата: Sybille Yates (hospitalera) от Декабря 27, 2007, 06:01:31 am ---Can we please go back to the original posters question:

--- Цитата: Aleksey от Декабря 02, 2007, 08:28:29 pm ---You know, it's always hard to begin process of shooting a model, no matter if you working with your friend or if it is the first session with a new model. From case to case, the first dozens in session (or even all the pics) are coming with scared, closed, unnatural emotions. Do you know some tips or recommendations how to relax people under focused lense?

One of such relaxant is to setup your AF-mode for AI Servo and to ask your model to spin as fast as he/she can . Then -- start shooting  ;) I've tested this for several times -- and it is working..

I'm sure it is not the only trick, isn't it?   ::)


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--- Конец цитаты ---

I started doing test shoots - it helps me to get to know the model before I hire her for a job with a make-up and styling. I explain to a model that in the test shoot she gets to see how we work, how she works, test lights against her skin.

Meanwhile, we make lost of jokes, have very nice coffee, ask all kind of silly questions. Usually a test shoot ends up being a great shoot with good iamges for sale.

Test shoots are strictly TFC. And not longer than an hour. I see with non-professional models they cannot actually perform for longer than an hour (or I cannot get them to do so), so I rather schedule another shoot than try and squeeze all my ideas in one.

Before time I speak a lot with models about stock and my shooting style. I discuss everything I want to do, and then, just like Lev, I wait for the model to start breaking the brief. But first I want to see how the model will react to my direction - I do not have such a strong personality as Lev and need to put quite a bit of guidelines so that the model does not run away with my shoot.

Personal preference: I try to keep the atmosphere in the studio free from sexual compliments and swearwords. We work with a lot of different stylists and make-up artists and I want to make sure that we can all work at ease with each other, in a balanced, professional way. You never know who takes offence at what.

And best of all my realxing methods is - my great assistant - Sean! He is a stand-up comedian by nature and can make anyone feel at ease.


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