Фотолия отличилась с реджектомв очередной раз.
The photographs in the Fotolia database are intended for sale to multiple buyers. Your photograph while attractive does not meet a level of neutrality for our buyers. Your images contain additional artistic effects such as frames, text, artistic blurs, and/or other filters to enhance the photograph. While we respect your creative abilities, we feel the image will not sell well to our audience due to these issues.
Please feel free to submit other images for us to review free from these issues. We encourage you to review our training section in order to know the type of photographs accepted and those that are not. To review the training, go under the heading Information and Rights then click on Execute the training.
Это на снимок с изолированным ребенком, где на белом ( совершенно белом) написано sample text. Мда...