It all depends on the moods, sometimes I opt for female vocals-driven soft rock or usual hard rock, sometimes instrumental easygoing rock, other times metal/rock with electronic elements, or choose pure "power" feelings of indie (and not) (metal) hardcore. It also falls under the category "random" of my playlist shuffles.
An example (that happens to be a drop in the ocean since I'm quite of an album collectionist) yesterday for the image below: started with Queens of the Stone Age, continued with Susie Suh, than jumped to The Devil Wears Prada, than Subsonica and finished with The fall of Troy. At least these are those that I remember of... and they might even not have been the mentioned succession.

p.s.: I confess I'm addicted to alt-tabing to Winamp constantly;) And it also happens that I "forget" listening to music altogether (that is usually accompanied by the "damn, I'm missing something feeling").