Автор Тема: Where do you get your inspiration from?  (Прочитано 12815 раз)

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Оффлайн nicemonkey

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Where do you get your inspiration from?
« : Февраля 09, 2008, 02:46:59 pm »
Should the stock sites provide counseling! I guess you like me check your figures on a 15 min basis to see whats selling and whats not. We all get days when the figures hardly drag themselves up to what you would expect on Christmas day and other when sudenly they take off for no reason but how do you pick yourself up and where do you get your inspiration from to mount the next assault on the stock photography world?

I personally either head to my top sellers and try and pick apart why they have sold and try to take it in a new direction or kick back in front of the TV and see what is going on in the advertising world and see if I can get some hint and tips from there. Failing that I will pack away the computer and sleep on it and then hopefully in the morning I will be eager to go again.
Shutterstock Dreamstime [url=http://www.luckyoliver.com/portfolio/Nice


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Re: Where do you get your inspiration from?
« Ответ #1 : Февраля 09, 2008, 03:19:08 pm »

...Failing that I will pack away the computer and sleep on it ...

Interesting idea, never tried to sleep on my computer ;-) More serious answer, I tend to change subjects/ methods, I sometimes I do fractals, then photos, then backgrounds, then, ... aAt the moment I am fascinated by seamless backgrounds. I think the variety keeps me interested and busy in the 14 min between checking the stats again! SY

Оффлайн nicemonkey

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Re: Where do you get your inspiration from?
« Ответ #2 : Февраля 09, 2008, 03:29:57 pm »

...Failing that I will pack away the computer and sleep on it ...

Interesting idea, never tried to sleep on my computer ;-) More serious answer, I tend to change subjects/ methods, I sometimes I do fractals, then photos, then backgrounds, then, ... aAt the moment I am fascinated by seamless backgrounds. I think the variety keeps me interested and busy in the 14 min between checking the stats again! SY

The warmth from the computer helps me sleep....and if the computer is under my pillow nobody can steal my precious!
Shutterstock Dreamstime [url=http://www.luckyoliver.com/portfolio/Nice