Please post in this thread if you have any problems in using the forum, I will collect the information in the top post here for quick reference for "newbies"

Things to that are good to know:
If English is not your first language you might want to go to Profile>Account Related Settings>Preferred Language: to change the language for the forum (menu/ help files etc.)-On top of each page is now a menu where you can change the display language directly, even without the need to register.
-If you have set your email to hidden it is still visible to you, but not to other forum members ;-)
-How to make a pretty url: Lets say you want to link to another post like this one If you just copy and paste it into your message it will be converted in a link, but it will look pretty ugly, but if you use something like the example below:
[url=]Please present yourself here![/url]
will look like this
Please present yourself here! far prettier. If you want to use other bbcode for size and color, just wrap them around the text you want to have displayed, but please don't "SCREAM" at people with huge fontsize etc.