Фотолия приняла работы... все кроме первой
я старался, затирал надписи, а тут такое...
We regret to inform you that photo 18862205 was not accepted because the same or similar photograph was already submitted to Fotolia.
You may not be aware but if you submit two of the same or similar photographs, Fotolia chooses only those with technical or esthetic qualities that meet our needs and are the closest to its category selected.
If you selected the free option during the upload process, Fotolia will quickly inform you if your photo has been integrated in the free section.
We invite you to submit other photographs to Fotolia.
Качество и изоляция на заценку. Мне тяжело выжать что-то более конкретное из моего кита. Есть вообще шансы?