forum > General discussion

Anybody up for a race?

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--- Цитата: Sybille Yates (hospitalera) от Января 19, 2008, 03:31:33 am ---Little site question: How is the effect on sales for you? SY

--- Конец цитаты ---
The lowest for the week was 140, the highest 173 a day. I'm back to my Oct-Nov levels, need another 150-200 photos over the next 2-3 weeks to break into consistent 200 downloads a day.

same o same o at a steady 300+ a month


total 1483

Can't believe you make so little sales, DNF. Comparing my quality to yours I'd say you'd get at least 5 times the downloads I get a month. And it's the opposite if not even worse.

Good luck, really! I don't upload more artistic portraits (that certainly take up MUCH more time to create) to microstock agencies 'cause I've realized they just don't sell. The demand scheme is all f***** up;/

old: 334
New: 427



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