forum > General discussion

Anybody up for a race?

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I got a bit lazy submitting lately (helped by the task of setting up this forum  ::) ) and could do with a bit of "kick in the backside" I am having at the moment 658 images on line at Shutterstock. Anybody here with a similar number up for a race to 1000 approved images? No price, just the best one (the one you reaches the 1000 images in the gallery the earliest wins)?! SY

Sybille, I have 303 images online on SS. Wouldn't be fair, would it?;)

No, but your images are better then mine  ;D SY

:) I think it is an extremely great idea :)
Unfortunately I can't compete with you yet,
but me and Volk made a deal - starting from 01.01.2008 and till the end of February we will compete in number of uploads and in sales :)
I think all people around here should really seek for those on their level and compete with them :) It is a great  stimulus.

Why don't we complete on new images from 1 Jan until 29 Feb. The fact that I already have 2300+ images online doesn't make my job easier to add new photos...

But note.. I plan to add 500-600 images in Jan-Feb  ;D


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