forum > General discussion

Anybody up for a race?

<< < (10/35) > >>

Well, I haven't been uploading my usual stuff lately. Did vector illustrations instead, so I guess I was targeting an other buyer group, but the sales seem normal to me. Today 433 for the month.

I worked hard today, I processed 50 new photos today. This will hit stocks tomorrow !!  And much more left from previous week  O0

114 + 4 = 118
total 1474

Seems I am falling hopelessly behind  ::) I really have to find some extra hours in the day! Anybody a 28hours day for sale? SY


--- Цитата: Sybille Yates (hospitalera) от Января 15, 2008, 11:02:29 pm ---Seems I am falling hopelessly behind  ::) I really have to find some extra hours in the day! Anybody a 28hours day for sale? SY

--- Конец цитаты ---
I thought you had too many free time opening a facebook group and maintaining this one.  >:D



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