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Оффлайн khz

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illustrations - over supply?
« : Декабря 03, 2007, 12:36:30 pm »
i am not a guru on vector stuff, but i try to do when i time for that,
and when i check micro sites, i see that tons of new vectors come everyday,
do y think it is being over supplied?
and when compared with the vector guru's, i am so slow at producing vectors that, i stopped doing any :(
i think after some point, it will be less profitible to do vectors,
what do y think?

Оффлайн Patrick1958

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Re: illustrations - over supply?
« Ответ #1 : Декабря 03, 2007, 01:50:02 pm »

I stopped doing vectors for the same reasons... oversupply... and creating a good (original) vector is so time consuming it is not worth the profit you get out of it...
Browsing the vector category on each site you will see a lot of similars, slightly different, but imo there is a lot of copying going on.  Sometime one have to look very closely to see differences.

Just my two cents.



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Re: illustrations - over supply?
« Ответ #2 : Декабря 03, 2007, 02:05:12 pm »
I do mostly jpg illustrations like fractals and backgrounds. I have literally only a couple of true eps illustrations in my portfolio, one of the reasons is that they are so easy to be copied. I heard of a lot of cases lately where people were copying elements and brushes, re-combined them and submitted as their own, or put on deviantart etc. Just my 2cents, SY

Оффлайн latex

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Re: illustrations - over supply?
« Ответ #3 : Января 09, 2008, 05:39:58 am »
I sell very simple vectors since i'm a designer more than an illustrator and think it's far from being a saturated field. Some of them sell very very well, even simple buttons! one just have to think what a designer might need.


Оффлайн nicemonkey

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Re: illustrations - over supply?
« Ответ #4 : Января 20, 2008, 01:41:57 am »
It is tricky to come up with original concepts but that is where the money is!

I browse other peoples gallery's  (like most people) and try and see why one file sells more than others. 99% of the time I think it is normally quality, yes it is easy to recycle an old idea or copy a new one but it is much harder to add the extra bit of sparkle. If you look at Shutterstocks top 50 (daily Illustrations) there are about 10 people who are regularly appear in there with files and the majority of the time it is quite easy to see which files are created by them.

If you have an active mind and the creative juices are flowing I don't think it matters how saturated the market is quality will always rise to the top and you can create your own niche.
« Последнее редактирование: Января 20, 2008, 01:46:43 am от nicemonkey »
Shutterstock Dreamstime [url=http://www.luckyoliver.com/portfolio/Nice