forum > Photography
Working with a model
--- Цитата: Forgiss от Декабря 26, 2007, 11:13:31 pm ---No, not weirdo... it's just what society has become, and I, for one, am just careful.
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i guess if i had photography as a job i would maybe act the same way, Sean.
--- Цитата: dolgachov от Декабря 26, 2007, 11:33:27 pm ---
ohoho! and what kind of pictures i shoot, lady? please elaborate? WHAT KIND OF PICTURES I SHOOT?
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Lev, stop shouting, and btw everybody here knows what kind of pictures you shoot > Artistic&nude is most of your portfolio. So please people calm down or this thread gets a 24h rest ;D SY
Artictic nude is MOST of my portfolio? you're serious, Sybille?
--- Цитата: dolgachov от Декабря 26, 2007, 11:51:44 pm ---Artictic nude is MOST of my portfolio? you're serious, Sybille?
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Yes, but with nude I don't mean necessarily without cloths I mean this "erotic-sex-appeal" feeling that MOST of your images have. Lev, that is in no way a negative remark, quite the opposite actually ;D SY
i really need an explaination to "I know that kind of pictures you shoot". what KIND of pictures i shoot? less than 10% of my portfolio contains any nudity. so what KIND of pictures i shoot?
considering nudity.
there's a definition for nudity. it's not "sex-appeal".
nude (nd, nyd)
adj. nud·er, nud·est
1. Having no clothing; naked.
2. Permitting or featuring full exposure of the body: a nude beach.
3. Law Lacking any of various legal requisites, such as evidence.
1. An unclothed human figure, especially an artistic representation.
2. The condition of being unclothed.
i never EVER had most of my images nude. i could have 110% of my pictures nude and would be proud of it, but i have less than 10% of my images containing nudity and about 85% of portfolio not content filtered on most modest stocksites. so what KIND of pictures i shoot? and why one starts to point at ME when i ask where she took nudity from to use in this discussion?
any nudity, Talya, is inside your mind now. more than 90% of my work contains no nudity so things i say IN GENERAL are not any possible way connected to any nudity. please never ever point a finger at me with "i know what kind of pictures you shoot". if you think most of my pictures are nude, you have no idea what kind of pictures i shoot.
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