интресно что ответят и ответят ли.
Разбаловал нас айс со своим внимательным и персонализированным отношениям к каждой кляузе

Вот что мне ответил шаттер по поводу моего предельно вежливого несогласия с ревьювером:
Due to the overwhelming number of images waiting to be reviewed, we cannot give every image a unique or exact explanation as to why it was rejected. Instead, please visit the Shutterstock photographer forum and post your image with a 100% (full sized) crop in the Critique forum. When using Photoshop, please be certain you are viewing your image at 100% (most of the time the default view is between 15% - 45%).
We feel as though your question is best answered by the community of photographers at Shutterstock. The reviewers also stop in from time to time and offer advice or comments on particular rejections. If we see an image that should have been accepted on the forum, we will contact you and ask you to re-upload it. You can access the forums through the following link:
http://submit.shutterstock.com/forum/If you found you had images rejected for noise, try noise-reducing software such as Noise Ninja or Neat Image.
Though we rarely ask people to re-submit rejected images, the review process is a human task and we do make mistakes now and then. Posting on the forums ensures your images get a second look.
We value your submission and can only accept your very best images. We hope you understand that there are some images we cannot accept.
Please contact me if you have further questions.
Inge Hoonte
Shutterstock Support
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