возникла кое какя проблема! я им отписала! так они теперь просят паспорт!

прикинте! а в чем я провенилась??!
Here look, can so to you my problem will be clear!:
Do you want to offer an Extended rf licence with this image? - I put YES!
http://s49.radikal.ru/i124/0905/79/e49087035d48.jpgIn the column: Credit Price - leaves:
und and earlier there was number
20!?!? And after Upload, there is here such inscription: Too low price for licence Extended RF License, min price is 10 credit. Got-1
Why? Also that to me to do!? Thanks also excuse!
Responses: Fotolia : Dear Imanova,
We apologize for any inconvenience. We have tested some of your files and they are now available to set them with the Extended RF License.
Please try again, and if you still have the problem, provide the
Image ID# in order to review this for you.
Kind regards