Айсток завернул вот это фото

По причине:
+++Check your file carefully for sensor spots. Thank you kindly for your understanding+++
Your file contains stray/hot/dead pixels or sensor spots.
Sensor spots are commonly caused from dust on the sensor of your camera. These darker areas usually show up in lighter areas of the file such as skies or white backgrounds when a deep DOF is used.
Hot Pixels: Dead pixels on your camera's sensor are sometimes caused by extreme temperatures, and may become permanent. They will show up as white pixels on your image were no image data is recorded and can sometimes be cleaned up using the clone brush through an image editor.
Я рассмотрела всё фото, никаких dead pixels не нашла, да и откуда им там взяться?
Но потом увидела на веках у девушки несколько блесточек, которые отсвечивали

В блестках вина или в чем-то другом все таки, как думаете?
Пыли на фотографии нет.