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Оффлайн DNF-Style

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Re: Hall of Fame.
« Ответ #15 : Декабря 05, 2007, 07:55:43 pm »
Talya, your up  :P

We are, and I guess will always be into arty DNF-Stylish stuff.
BUT are looking in envy to the enormous sales others have while we are having very few and evrybody is convincing us we should do so much better. Like our last christams shoot we did a lot of copyspace things with a whiteboard. The kick of selling and actually earning what everyone tells us we should is very big.
Like today our collegue who sold 280 in one day at SS and ours is at 54 while uploading in small batches or big batches did not make a difference.

We will stay arty but also will do whatever needed to get our sales up, since my unemployment we do need the income.

Оффлайн Talya

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Re: Hall of Fame.
« Ответ #16 : Декабря 05, 2007, 08:15:22 pm »
Lev, it is hard to argue with you specially on this subject. But I believe that what you said is wishful thinking which only most talented and luckiest of us can hope to experience in live. I will write more from home (I'm at work now). Just quick remark: Not too many geniuses were recognized (and paid) while they were alive.

DNF, I did not mean "give up your style", do not get me wrong. But if I were you (Huh, I wish I had such skills) I would try in a different theme (girl with headphones is a theme, not a style).

SY, it maybe better to make a separate topic for this discussion, don't you think? If you can cut it out I would not mind  :)
« Последнее редактирование: Декабря 05, 2007, 08:19:35 pm от Talya »

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Re: Hall of Fame.
« Ответ #17 : Декабря 05, 2007, 11:44:40 pm »
We are defintally doing something wrong, our record is 54 on one day and our average lies around the amount you are planning to make in jan in one day.
Can you give us a link of your pf so we can buy some more ;-)

In my amazingness I totally forget to congratulate you with your record.
Thanks for congratulations. I do hope my bragging inspires others  :)  At least, this is how it worked for me. About a year ago, when I saw some figures by more established stockers, I was saying "wow !!", Now I'm proud to say that I achieved many milestones which made me "wow" a year ago.. I think the success on photostocks is not only about shooting great photos, or rather, a lot of potential is lost if other factors are neglected. It is a business with many obvious and less so obvious factors. Those who can master most of these factors will be the most successful in future. I'm trying hard to be one of those  :)

I just saw the photos at your site.... these are fantastic photos, you must be doing better than 54 a day. Can you share a link to your shutterstock portfolio?

P.S. your model named Mitha looks like Breatney Spears  ;D

Оффлайн DNF-Style

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Re: Hall of Fame.
« Ответ #18 : Декабря 06, 2007, 10:45:32 am »
Whoops here it is:
DNF Shutterstock Gallery

I wil start a new topic, help DNF through te winter.  ;D ;D ;D ;D
No honestly
 ::) ::) ::) ::)
No Honestly
 :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\
click here

Оффлайн DNF-Style

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Re: Hall of Fame.
« Ответ #19 : Декабря 06, 2007, 10:46:50 am »
my girlfriend found i've got ad with my picture published in Russian ELLE, November 2007

i also have nice ad with my picture published in most recent VOGUE UK, December 2007

and loads of small things here and there

so year ends with good exposure for me and i think i can be a bit proud of the way my hobby progressing ;]
Whooohoooo congrats man, quite an achievement.
Wished Elle had booked you for an editorial but here's a start for you.
Vogue's France and USA up next?
« Последнее редактирование: Декабря 06, 2007, 10:49:32 am от DNF-Style »

Оффлайн Talya

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Re: Hall of Fame.
« Ответ #20 : Декабря 06, 2007, 06:05:07 pm »
Lev, do not be modest :) You are talented and yes, you are lucky. By lucky I do not mean that you got a good spot by accident or something like that. I mean that you lucky to like subject that sells and style that has a big market. Some people like to shoot, let say, crocodiles in natural environment and there is no way they can reach your sales level, does not matter how good they are.
I do not have too many artistic people around me; I grew up in different circle. But I familiar a little bit with science job market and I believe they are very much alike. Pure science does not pay, neither does pure art. I knew a lot of scientists who said “never ever” and live the country (ex-USSR). And (you will have to trust me on this one) I’m not talking about ordinary people; I have been graduated from very special high school.  If with those people with their skills, brain and devotion cannot make money in science, nobody can.  And they cannot,  pure science (or art) does not pay. 
 Some areas are easier to implement.  If you’re a PhD in probability theory you will probably solve about the same problems (maybe less complicated) on Wall Street, with PhD in organic chemistry you will have to spend more time and be ready to more changes, but you will find 6 digits eventually, if you devoted to ancient history, you are in trouble. Same with photography. If you like to shoot glamour you are fine and happy, if you good at shooting realistic still life you would not have to adjust too much, if your only favorite subject is crocodiles in natural environment, you are in trouble.
Good thing about art is that you do not have to give up your crocodiles; you can still shoot them, probably even better after you earn some money for a trip to Amazon River shooting cute dogs.  Earning money means work in most cases, not pleasure. You should not do a job you hate, but you do not have to love it ever, at least not every part of it. A very few who love every aspect of job they do are extremely lucky.

Sorry for my English, I do not have time to double check it.

Оффлайн DNF-Style

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Re: Hall of Fame.
« Ответ #21 : Декабря 06, 2007, 08:39:56 pm »
Haha play nice Lev ;-) (Lev is it? isn't it?)
Thanks for knowing us by name ;-)


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Re: Hall of Fame.
« Ответ #22 : Декабря 06, 2007, 09:11:19 pm »
I agree with Lev, you can only do good what you love, if you don't love it, you still can do technical perfect work, but the "spark" is missing and that will reflect in your success. One important thing to consider, no matter what you do, people have to know that you do it!
Like I said so many times before, your images are great, your key wording is getting better, now start self-promotion, if you don't show everybody how great your work is how will they know? And back to the crocodiles: It is always better to be the market leader in a niche market, then one amongst many established players trying to get a piece from the cake. Define and work your niche and with your skills you will be soon the market leader. And that pays also in $$$ SY

Оффлайн Rinderart

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Re: Hall of Fame.
« Ответ #23 : Декабря 06, 2007, 09:39:37 pm »
Listen to lev folks. he knows and feels exactly Like I do. shoot what YOU love. Thats the Only way to make it your own. The only way. True talent for making art is god given, you can go to school for the rest of your life, But if you don't SEE IT. Then you just won't see it. And as far as luck goes? I believe we make our own Luck. 99% of stock shooters have no clue about the business side of doing this for a living. There's so much more to know than just taking pictures and this is one of the subjects I teach in My classes. I approach it differently, I want to be a one stop shop for buyers. I do portraits,food,objects,landscapes,seascapes,editorial,architecture,  Insects and animals and wildlife.And more. I can outsell people that have thousands more images than myself.
Stock Photography done properly is an art unto itself.

Оффлайн Talya

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Re: Hall of Fame.
« Ответ #24 : Декабря 06, 2007, 09:44:57 pm »
Can you please point me the spot in my post there I said you do not do art? Or you are not an artist? Or it is easy to do?  ??? You are trying to put someone's else words in my mouth and arguing with that someone else.
What I'm trying to tell is that subject does matter. And style does matter. Ones of them need a little (or even zero) adjustment to convert pure art into money other require much more effort and more sacrifice. Some cannot be convert at all.
Would you mind to show me artistic portfolio with crocodiles (or similar) in nature which sells well?

Оффлайн Talya

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Re: Hall of Fame.
« Ответ #25 : Декабря 06, 2007, 09:55:45 pm »
Ok, ok. I knew I would be alone. I do not think I have anything else to say. You know your way, you are doing much better than I do in terms of art. Good luck to everyone (or is it now wrong words to say?).

Оффлайн Talya

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Re: Hall of Fame.
« Ответ #26 : Декабря 06, 2007, 10:03:43 pm »
it you REALLY love crocodiles and you're ARTIST - you'll make one and show us later.
I do not love crocodiles and I'm not an artist. You have a right to be "nice" to people without even trying to understand what they said. This is your choice. I said what wanted to say. If it will help somebody - great, if not - I just gave my English a little practice.

Оффлайн Talya

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Re: Hall of Fame.
« Ответ #27 : Декабря 06, 2007, 10:06:44 pm »

leaving aside obvious "National Geographic" sort of solution (as Sybille just said it's much much more easy to become rich and famous operating in unique niche. you shoot crocodiles perfect - consider yourself RICH, baby.), let me show you one nice crocodyle example:

just like this.
Is it a natural environment?  And how well does it sell on microstock? Are we talking about ability to sell in specific place or about ability to produce art?

Оффлайн Talya

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Re: Hall of Fame.
« Ответ #28 : Декабря 06, 2007, 10:08:51 pm »
I do and will tell people what I think is true. Sorry.

Оффлайн DNF-Style

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Re: Hall of Fame.
« Ответ #29 : Декабря 07, 2007, 08:07:46 pm »
Okay, without having any mod fuctions. Can we see the arty conversations as finished as of NOW.  ;D
On with the fame away with the blame, a truckload of sand all over it.

Love ya all.  :P