forum > General discussion
Hall of Fame.
Ok, ok. I knew I would be alone. I do not think I have anything else to say. You know your way, you are doing much better than I do in terms of art. Good luck to everyone (or is it now wrong words to say?).
--- Цитата: dolgachov от Декабря 06, 2007, 09:53:11 pm ---it you REALLY love crocodiles and you're ARTIST - you'll make one and show us later.
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I do not love crocodiles and I'm not an artist. You have a right to be "nice" to people without even trying to understand what they said. This is your choice. I said what wanted to say. If it will help somebody - great, if not - I just gave my English a little practice.
--- Цитата: dolgachov от Декабря 06, 2007, 09:53:11 pm ---
leaving aside obvious "National Geographic" sort of solution (as Sybille just said it's much much more easy to become rich and famous operating in unique niche. you shoot crocodiles perfect - consider yourself RICH, baby.), let me show you one nice crocodyle example:
just like this.
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Is it a natural environment? And how well does it sell on microstock? Are we talking about ability to sell in specific place or about ability to produce art?
I do and will tell people what I think is true. Sorry.
Okay, without having any mod fuctions. Can we see the arty conversations as finished as of NOW. ;D
On with the fame away with the blame, a truckload of sand all over it.
Love ya all. :P
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