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Hall of Fame.

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Acting on Lev's advice I started the same topic in Russian section. Please brag about everything that makes you proud, big or small.

I know my small achievement will be lost in shadows of big names which have already showed up on this forum but at least I will go to the history as the topic starter.  :D

This is my third month on IS and the number on DLs finally exceeded the number of my files.  That makes me proud.


 Talya, Its a great feeling when you see your portfolio and your sales growing.

I bought  a car last month, totally paid for with my photography earnings. Not all microstock, but a good part of it was. That made me very proud and happy.  ;D

Talya, I am proud when I look at the images I first submitted to the microstock sites and I can see vast improvement in my new images.

Talya, what I am proud of is here With the help of a friend that talked and guided me through the procedure I managed to make some fractal footage, so far none of them has sold but that was not the reason I tried my hand on them, I just wanted to know if I could do it, this is my favourite, because that was the one I really felt I did on my own, SY:

My little Sun


--- Цитата: Clivia от Ноября 29, 2007, 09:41:13 am ---
 Talya, Its a great feeling when you see your portfolio and your sales growing.

I bought  a car last month, totally paid for with my photography earnings. Not all microstock, but a good part of it was. That made me very proud and happy.  ;D

--- Конец цитаты ---
What!!! A car??? It took us one year to finance a 70-200 2.8L out of microstock and people keep telling us we should be in the top 10.


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