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Hall of Fame.
--- Цитата: DNF-Style от Декабря 03, 2007, 04:44:46 pm ---
--- Цитата: Clivia от Ноября 29, 2007, 09:41:13 am ---
Talya, Its a great feeling when you see your portfolio and your sales growing.
I bought a car last month, totally paid for with my photography earnings. Not all microstock, but a good part of it was. That made me very proud and happy. ;D
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What!!! A car??? It took us one year to finance a 70-200 2.8L out of microstock and people keep telling us we should be in the top 10.
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Welcome Frenk and Danielle, glad you sorted your login problem out!
Yes, we told you so! Your portfolio is really amazing, how anybody with images like This! is not selling more is beyond me. Stay in this forum and I think people will happily exchange their "sales" tips for "photo" tips from you. SY
Sybille you are so right. They are stunning images.
DNF, I would love to spend a day just watching you work. I bet I would learn more in a day watching you than I would in a year on microstock.
--- Цитата: Clivia от Декабря 03, 2007, 07:17:15 pm ---Sybille you are so right. They are stunning images.
DNF, I would love to spend a day just watching you work. I bet I would learn more in a day watching you than I would in a year on microstock.
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Thanks, we settle for your car ;D
Yes and we do have humor (I hope).
Anything you would like to know and we have the time for telling you we will share.
Yesterday, I got a new record at shutterstock - 280 sales !! Nothing extraordinary.... just new 130 photos in portfolio ;D
--- Цитата: Elnur от Декабря 05, 2007, 11:52:05 am ---Yesterday, I got a new record at shutterstock - 280 sales !! Nothing extraordinary.... just new 130 photos in portfolio ;D
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On one day :o :o :o
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