forum > General discussion
What is your main photo editing software?
I use Photoshop CS3. My lovely boss bought it because I do a lot of photography for the firm. It belongs to him, but is on my computer at home. This means I process the company pictures in my own time, but its worth the trade off. I only do half a dozen pics a month for him. ;D
--- Цитата: Clivia от Ноября 28, 2007, 11:46:41 pm ---I use Photoshop CS3. My lovely boss bought it because I do a lot of photography for the firm. It belongs to him, but is on my computer at home. This means I process the company pictures in my own time, but its worth the trade off. I only do half a dozen pics a month for him. ;D
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For whom do you say you work? SY ;D
Photoshop CS2 at home, CS3 in studio.
For converting from raw to tiff i still use nikon capture at home, nikon NX in studio.
PS elements 5, just got a new computor that can handle more, but now I can't afford new software, saving for a new camera/lens.
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