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What is your main photo editing software?

(1/3) > >>

Mine is PS7, I also tried the gimp and corel but for now I stick with Photoshop, SY

Olga B.:
I've been using PSP (Corel) since for ever but recently switched to PS as it's less resource consuming and since there're more tutorials available. I use Nikon Capture (NX) for RAW converstion my Nikon files and ACR for my RAW Canon files. I'm still poor at RAW conversion and still learning a few bits in PS.

I'm using PSCS2, because it has everything i need ;)

I have been using LightRoom more and more. Only if I need masks or layer do I bring it into CS3.


I've also got Lightroom but my computer is too slow for it.  :'(



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