forum > General discussion

dreamstime (international)

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Another "complication", true. But what happens if I sell the rights and I still can't remove the images from the other sites? They sue me?;)


--- Цитата: domencolja от Декабря 26, 2007, 06:06:28 pm ---Another "complication", true. But what happens if I sell the rights and I still can't remove the images from the other sites? They sue me?;)

--- Конец цитаты ---

Most probably yes, and even worse you have to give the money back  >:D SY

Now that's what I call reassuring, Sybille;))

Just tried to log in and got this message: "Services are temporarily disconnected for maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience and will be online soon. Thank you for your patience." Anybody knows more? SY

Nothing, but I get the same message. Server down.


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