forum > General discussion
dreamstime (international)
Then I don't get it we have 1440 out of 1569 visible but most are portraits. Only a few lingerie and some covered nudes. How does the filter work? On keys?
i don't know. all i know is 2/3 of my images are affected. and i dont' have 2/3 of my portfolio consisting of lingerie and nudes.
more and more of my images appearing back online. still most of them are locked but i see a progress.
I was wondering how's this option going for you people?
I usually set the price at exaggerated values, but I'm not sure this is the right thing to do. Well, a preliminary thought would be about checking or not checking it at all, that's true. But if I accept the terms and calculate that selling the rights for a higher price is better than waiting years to sum up the cents received by selling RF licences, what's a "good" price for an image? Or, to put it differently, is there an average "universal" price above which buyers stop giving changes?
p.s.: Imho the 350 dollars for an image is too low. But again: haven't sold no other licences at all, so I'm "in the dark" about the whole "other-than-RF" thing anyways;)
Be also aware that you have to be able to delete the sold image asap from all other agencies, that cane be difficult if it is on a 90days hold with BigStock for example. SY
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