forum > General discussion

lucky oliver (international)

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In this very moment I am doing "woohoohoooo";)) Bryan just mentioned my portfolio in his "Stunning new images" blog post:

And I'm shaking to see one of mine between all those masterpieces. Damn me, bring me a glass of water, please!;))

p.s.: Sybille, say "thank you" to Bryan in my name!;)


--- Цитата: domencolja от Января 08, 2008, 12:59:45 pm ---p.s.: Sybille, say "thank you" to Bryan in my name!;)

--- Конец цитаты ---

I can do but why can't you do it ?  ;D SY

;)) I did;) But since you're a "team", this was intended to touch everyone at LO. THANKS!;)

mwah still about 5 sales a month
still have to mail jill more times before receiving answerers a week later
I is stilll a nice place with very nice people.

Nope nothing much changed for us at LO

As of Saturday night, I was still getting it. I am holding off on uploading images until it get's sorted out.  I know that I am only hurting myself doing so, but I get so frustrated when I have to enter the same information more than once.  When uploading to multiple sites, that waste of time is too much of an inconvenience for now


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