forum > General discussion

lucky oliver (international)

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This bug is really starting to get to me on LO.  The one where you enter a title hit OK, description hit OK, and sticky words and hit ok then hit save and the file is not ready to be submitted and either or both the title and description is missing.  Not a biggie, but I hate doing things twice.  Also with this bug sometimes the file shows ready to submit, then the files get bounced back for missing information.  Wouldn't be bad but it has been going on for months now.  I like LO, sales suck, but there seems to be lot's of technical issues.

Seems the bug is disappeared now  ;) SY

Lucky Oliver has now a designer/ buyer blogging for them, check out Here  and Here. That should have some input how the site works, give some incentive to contributors (as Sabrina Dent posts freely her image requests and subsequent image usages on the odditorium and here odditorium). That seems to be the right step in the right direction, involving not only the community of contributors but also the community of buyers in the site communication  ;D SY

I think the problem was that the site got so dead slow with the increasing traffic that there was no other possibility then doing it then. At least now it is fast and pretty bug free and, seriously compared to, for example the fotolia update it went pretty smoothly! SY

I think the site runs very smoothly now. The only problems I see (technically) are the thumbnails of uploaded files not displaying sometimes. But they "catch up" after a while.

p.s.: And there's the two dead thumbnails in the approval queue of files nobody sees that just sit there;) Sybille, I contacted Jill and she immediatelly replied, so I reuploaded the two files, but the old thumbnails are still there;/


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