c 9-го января. цены на фотки.
Pay-as-you-go credit packages
Bundles have been modified for 2009. Credits can still be purchased in bulk for as low as $.95 (USD) per download credit. Please refer to the chart below for details:
Credits Price $/Credit
10 $15.00 $1.50
26 $38.00 $1.46
50 $70.00 $1.40
120 $165.00 $1.38
300 $370.00 $1.23
600 $680.00 $1.13
1000 $1050.00 $1.05
1500 $1500.00 $1.00
2000 $1900.00 $0.95
Credits/day 3 months 6 months 12 months
10 n/a $699 $1,299
30 $979 $1,862 $3,542
60 $1,862 $3,542 $6,730
120 $3,542 $6,730 $12,783
240 $6,730 $12,783 $24,288
480 $12,783 $24,288 $46,146
Credits Price Price Per Credit
10 $14.00 $1.40
26 $35.00 $1.35
50 $65.00 $1.30
120 $150.00 $1.25
250 $300.00 $1.20
300 $345.00 $1.15
600 $660.00 $1.10
1000 $1,050.00 $1.05
1500 $1,500.00 $1.00
2000 $1,900.00 $0.95
по сабам не нашёл таблицы. только калькулятор здесь:
http://www.istockphoto.com/royalty-free-subscriptions.phpв целом где-то плюс 10% в среднем мы получаем, по моим прикидкам. вполне себе нормально.