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Сообщения - karimala1

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Glad I could help!   ;D

Can someone please translate my post?  I don't speak Russian.

The American Watercolor Society contacted Annie Kitzman (annieannie at Shutterstock, the woman whose self-portrait was used by Sheryl Luxenburg) and they want to talk to Kuzma.  Kuzma needs to get in touch with Annie as soon as possible. 


Klementiev, Are you there?

Regarding your image of the old man that Sheryl Luxenburg used to win that prestigious award through the American Watercolor Society .. ???

I have some news for you, tried to contact you through Shutterstock pm, but it just sits in my outbox and won't 'send'.

I was contacted today via telephone by the person who removed the glass from that image to do the official examination ... and he told me what they found during the examination! They would like to contact you regarding this.

Thanks! Annie

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