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Сообщения - Patrick1958

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General discussion / Re: Free Stockxpert Contributor Conference
« : Февраля 25, 2008, 10:18:25 pm »
Without being sarcastic... but what average submitter could afford a ticket retour to Moscow.?..


Photography / Re: What raw converter/ camera combination do you use?
« : Февраля 01, 2008, 02:11:14 pm »
D70, D200 Capture NX and photshop CS2-CS3.. depending on where i work, home or studio.

Patrick H.

General discussion / Re: Rejection! Opinons?
« : Января 31, 2008, 01:25:35 am »
this might prove interesting reading :

General discussion / Re: reviewing times
« : Января 29, 2008, 01:26:06 am »
To me everything works great on SXP. Review times of vectors are like bullets, images a little slower but almost always looked at in one or two days.

p.s.: But it is true that in December some batches were in the queue a couple of weeks. Not anymore.
p.p.s.: And I agree with Dolgachov. I've been in microstock only two months (overall) and SXP seems to grow each and every day. There are days that my sales there even surpass Shutterstock.

Nothing personal, but this proves that stock photography, how all sites started is being pushed to the back and vector are giving priority.
Vectors are being favored over pictures.

Patrick H.

General discussion / Re: reviewing times
« : Января 29, 2008, 01:21:59 am »
I put a fairly large batch through ftp almost 2 weeks ago I guess, they reviewed most of them fairly quick but they left 28 files in pending, and they are still waiting.  They must have gotten swamped.  Allthough reading through the forums there are people who are having their files reviewed in less than 24 hours in some cases.  Doesn't seem to be any consistency

This has nothing to do with consistancy, but all with favoritisme.

Patrick H.

General discussion / Re: reviewing times
« : Января 29, 2008, 01:20:44 am »
24 days and counting.... ???

Patrick H.

Beg your pardon? More then 3 weeks??? Have you written to support? SY

Writing to support won't help imo... numerous complaints over the boards confirm this.
It's like someone said somewhere on a forum, their message (sxp) is very clear towards the photogs... go away.

Patrick H.

ps : want to add this.

Until the third week of december everything was going smooth over there, normal review time (1-2 days top) until one reviewer had a problem with my keywording.
Those familiar with my work know that i shoot in studio on white backgrounds and a reflective surface... kind of my trademark.  That particular reviewer site mailed me that the keywords "white, background " shouldn't belong in the picture because of the reflective surface... so i altered my keywords and descriptions and added , shot on reflective surface, white background... added to the keywords, "reflective, surface"... this accurately discribes the pictures state.. however, the files stay in pending mode. 
If they insist on their stuburness, i can do to... i do not keyword spam, and my description of the scene is accurate, i won't change them again.. final.

It seems like i'm blacklisted on that site, no review on my pictures, until they have some spare time to look at them.

Patrick H.

General discussion / Re: reviewing times
« : Января 29, 2008, 01:13:02 am »
24 days and counting.... ???

Patrick H.

Beg your pardon? More then 3 weeks??? Have you written to support? SY

Writing to support won't help imo... numerous complaints over the boards confirm this.
It's like someone said somewhere on a forum, their message (sxp) is very clear towards the photogs... go away.

Patrick H.

General discussion / Re: reviewing times
« : Января 28, 2008, 06:40:17 pm »
24 days and counting.... ???

Patrick H.

General discussion / Re: Hall of Fame.
« : Января 24, 2008, 03:02:16 am »
A few years ago an article in a belgium news paper about a Soft nude calendar i made for a gay/community tavern.


It's in dutch, so not many would be able to read it.

Patrick H.

General discussion / Re: My Stockxpert nightmare
« : Января 07, 2008, 12:37:25 am »

My voice on the forums is heard...

They reversed all reject and placed all but two back in review mode...

Report more tomorrow.

Patrick H.

General discussion / My Stockxpert nightmare
« : Января 06, 2008, 09:08:00 pm »

This is a rant, a big rant.

Almost 70 % of about 200 of my latest batches rejected for :
Background not white

checking in photoshop at 100 % magnification i can't see any noise.. and i mean NO noise.
We all know how picky SS is on noise issues... they haven't rejected a single one from those batches.
checking background color it shows perfect 255/255/255 white.

If they want me to take my business elsewere, than just say so... don't let me spend hours uploading for nothing.


Photography / Re: What your equipment list
« : Января 05, 2008, 02:53:36 am »
Cameras :
Nikon D 200, Nikon D 70 (D 300 soon to come)

Lenses :
Main lens Tamron 17-50 f/2.8
Secondary lenses Sigma 50 f/2.8, nikkor 50 f/1.8

Lights strobes :
2 x Linkstar 750 LF A
2 x Linkstar 600 LF A
2 X SB 600 Nikon Flash
1 X TR-I remote trigger

Extras :
Softboxes, umbrellas, background paper, reflective plastic for surface, ground (keeps paper clean)

Don't do on road shoots yet.

Computing :
Fujitsu Siemens P IV dual core 3.6 Gig, 4 gig DDR ram 320 gig hard drive.
Crt screen 21 inch (dumped LCD screen for not being accurate in colors etc, not even after calibration...)
2 portable 2.5 inch hard drives 160 gig for backup purpose only (from a shoot 1 on computer hard drive and 2 to backup drives, one of the backup drives is used when working/editing pictures at home, studio is not located at my home) Never, ever use dvd anymore for backup, very unreliable, had dvds not readable after two years, and hard drives are now cheaper in storage price compared to dvd.
Epson printer, scanner, copier
And of course desklamp...:)


Off topic / Re: The one image you are really, really proud of...
« : Декабря 21, 2007, 11:08:28 am »

Why these, i think that in a studio while shooting for stock the artistic aspect can also be inserted in images.


General discussion / Re: reviewing times
« : Декабря 10, 2007, 11:25:26 am »
I've batches in rewiew mode going back to november 25... sigh...


Off topic / Re: Show yourself
« : Декабря 07, 2007, 03:55:31 pm »
In the studio....taken in front of a mirror...:-)


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