Sorry about the cat shoots at SS, I was really sure they would make it in the top 50! What was the rejection reason? SY
Poor Lighting--Poor or uneven lighting, or shadows
Composition--Limited commercial value due to framing, cropping, and/or composition.
and the best one of the series:
Limited Commercial Value--We do not need this image at this time
Noise--Noise, film grain, over-sharpening, or artifacts at full size.
Poor Lighting--Poor or uneven lighting, or shadows.
Okay Linky is lying away from the light but even then I thought they would want a picture like this.
Does the board resize pictures Sybille? Because they are smaller then the original and look more sharpened then we did.
I think that is a bad thing, so I will take out the pics and put in direct links.
Thanks for adjusting SY links are pictures again ;-)
Time for a re-upload