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Она составлена заумно слишком ... и для частного лица трудновыполнимо. Может лучше в Шатер писать, а они уже...?
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Hello Anatoliy,Unfortunately, i am not able to access the Forum area. If you are able to doso, I request that you provide me with image links for proper follow up.Sincerely,Anthony CorreiaShutterstockAnatoliy Samara wrote:> > Hello Anthony,> > > > You can use the following login and password to access the forum:> > Login: sstocktr> > Password: 1234%^&*> > > > I have also contacted the abuse team of and asked them to > > remove the collections, but they refused to do so unless I can prove > > that I'm the rights holder of ALL the images in there. I think, this is > > something you could prove (ShutterStock I mean).> > > > Thanks,> > Anatoliy> > > > > > Anthony Correia wrote:>> > > Hello Anatoliy,>> > >>> > > Thank you for contacting us here at Shutterstock.>> > >>> > > The links you provided take me to a login page that a person needs to login to>> > > in order to access a Forum topic. If you have a login, are you able to provide>> > > me with the actual links within the Forums? that would help a great deal in>> > > determining the overall issue here. As it stands, I cannot get past the login>> > > area.>> > >>> > > Sincerely,>> > >>> > > Anthony Correia>> > > Shutterstock>> > >>> > >>> > > Anatoliy Samara wrote:>> > >>> > > >>> > >> Hi,>>> > >>>>> > >> I have found that the major Russian Torrent tracker site - ->>> > >> provides links to free downloads of the hi-res collections of the images from>>> > >> shutterstock.>>> > >>>>> > >> You can contact and ask them to remove the downloads. I>>> > >> could not do it myself as I'm not the rights holder of all the images.>>> > >>>>> > >> Here is the list of the links I found, but there may be more: ...