Just had another one bounced back for no description. Seriously this is becoming a pain in the butt. The descriptions are there, but then for some reason they dissappear when they get sent in. Been happening almost every batch I have submitted in the past month. Worst yet though was 3 files that were sent back out of 1 batch, when I checked the files in the submit area, they all had descriptions, so I resubmitted. They were accepted but they somehow got submitted two times each. 3 of the 6 were rejected as duplicates.. lol that was the best one yet.
So things are running quicker, but not smoother. Really starting to thinnk twice about this one. Have over 13000 views and a grand total of 11 sales adding up to $10 since June or July. I keep hearing it is because the site is so new, but that's starting to get a bit old.