Ну и меня зачтите как нибудь, кстати недавно мне пришло письмо со старого форума, я туда не заходил совсем после всем памятных событий, вот такого содержания:
От кого: The first international microstock forum!" <
Dear Forum Member,
If you have visited recently the forum (and we hope you have You might have noticed that we started to display a few google ads. In a nut-shell this program enables everybody to participate directly in the success of the forum. If you have an adsense account just go to your forum-profile and add the your adsense code in the tab "adrevenue sharing", as soon as you have at least 50 (meaning-full please!) posts you are automatically enrolled in the program. That means, the more you participate on the forum, the more you can potentially earn as your share increases with your post count . This is our way to distribute revenue generated with this forum! A user who is logged in, will NEVER be shown an advertisement using their own ID. This is a security precaution as clicking your own ads would likely result in you being banned from Google Adsense.
Собирает клиентуру, просит, даже какието тупые бонусы предлагает Вообщем извиняюсь за оф топ, рад за то что этот форум есть он мне и я думаю многим помог. Всем удачи