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Re: Working with a model
« Ответ #60 : Декабря 27, 2007, 03:32:51 am »
Time for a couples of hours rest for this topic, it will be unlocked tomorrow. SY

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Re: Working with a model
« Ответ #61 : Декабря 27, 2007, 03:35:29 am »
SY, lev said he would not touch me so we are not going to kill each other, common :)
« Последнее редактирование: Декабря 27, 2007, 05:38:39 am от Sybille Yates (hospitalera) »


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Re: Working with a model
« Ответ #62 : Декабря 27, 2007, 04:05:56 am »
Lev, this topic is locked until tomorrow for everybody to calm down. As you are an admin on this forum you will be still able to post, but nobody else can reply. Please take also a pause until tomorrow. Thanks SY


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Re: Working with a model
« Ответ #63 : Декабря 27, 2007, 06:01:31 am »
Can we please go back to the original posters question:

You know, it's always hard to begin process of shooting a model, no matter if you working with your friend or if it is the first session with a new model. From case to case, the first dozens in session (or even all the pics) are coming with scared, closed, unnatural emotions. Do you know some tips or recommendations how to relax people under focused lense?

One of such relaxant is to setup your AF-mode for AI Servo and to ask your model to spin as fast as he/she can . Then -- start shooting  ;) I've tested this for several times -- and it is working..

I'm sure it is not the only trick, isn't it?   ::)

« Последнее редактирование: Декабря 27, 2007, 09:13:06 pm от Sybille Yates (hospitalera) »

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Re: Working with a model
« Ответ #64 : Декабря 30, 2007, 02:02:28 pm »
Can we please go back to the original posters question:

You know, it's always hard to begin process of shooting a model, no matter if you working with your friend or if it is the first session with a new model. From case to case, the first dozens in session (or even all the pics) are coming with scared, closed, unnatural emotions. Do you know some tips or recommendations how to relax people under focused lense?

One of such relaxant is to setup your AF-mode for AI Servo and to ask your model to spin as fast as he/she can . Then -- start shooting  ;) I've tested this for several times -- and it is working..

I'm sure it is not the only trick, isn't it?   ::)


I started doing test shoots - it helps me to get to know the model before I hire her for a job with a make-up and styling. I explain to a model that in the test shoot she gets to see how we work, how she works, test lights against her skin.

Meanwhile, we make lost of jokes, have very nice coffee, ask all kind of silly questions. Usually a test shoot ends up being a great shoot with good iamges for sale.

Test shoots are strictly TFC. And not longer than an hour. I see with non-professional models they cannot actually perform for longer than an hour (or I cannot get them to do so), so I rather schedule another shoot than try and squeeze all my ideas in one.

Before time I speak a lot with models about stock and my shooting style. I discuss everything I want to do, and then, just like Lev, I wait for the model to start breaking the brief. But first I want to see how the model will react to my direction - I do not have such a strong personality as Lev and need to put quite a bit of guidelines so that the model does not run away with my shoot.

Personal preference: I try to keep the atmosphere in the studio free from sexual compliments and swearwords. We work with a lot of different stylists and make-up artists and I want to make sure that we can all work at ease with each other, in a balanced, professional way. You never know who takes offence at what.

And best of all my realxing methods is - my great assistant - Sean! He is a stand-up comedian by nature and can make anyone feel at ease.

Оффлайн Forgiss

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Re: Working with a model
« Ответ #65 : Декабря 30, 2007, 02:08:48 pm »

"Have you heard the one about the duck in the bar?" TrrrrDishH!!

Оффлайн Lvnel

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Re: Working with a model
« Ответ #66 : Декабря 30, 2007, 02:23:45 pm »
About the whole stay with the model - touch model thing:

Its sad that physical touch became grounds of manipulation. I was not aware of this when living in Ukraine, but once we came to RSA, I saw how many people misuse the small, silly touch and use it to damage the life of the "toucher".

So now we watch each others backs and never ever leave the other person (Sean, my husband) with oposite sex model. Although my testimony in court will not stand, as I am the wife, at least I can still be a witness.

And different things work for different people - Lev has his very strong shooting style with awesome results, and the models most probably speak to each other and discuss his shooting style, don't they? So they know how it will work, and I am sure we can see from Lev's established integrity that he can make anybody feel comfortable - you can also see it in his models eyes.

Our models enjoy the fact that they will not be touched (repeatedly used models), maybe because so far the commercial type of modelling is not developed in South Africa and this kind of models are seen as just a pretty face and a bum, and sometimes they tell hair raising stories of what happens at the shoots.

So girls end up bringing mothers and boyfriends to all their shoots, or a gang of girls. Its very hard now to establish a different image of photographer and we get to work extra hard.

Оффлайн DNF-Style

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Re: Working with a model
« Ответ #67 : Декабря 30, 2007, 02:35:18 pm »
I find it very interesting to read about the different ways in different countries and how photographers feel they have to deal with it.
Especially where it is also country dependent.
Even district related haha since we start almost every encounter with three kisses for the model and three kisses for the MUA. During the shoot I have developed a good way to steer the model with my hands without the need to approach her. Wiich is much easier since I can steer and take shots at the same time. MUA keeps an eye on make-up and clothes.

But even without touching (and I do touch when needed and after I asked if it's ok) I come much closer to my models then anybody will ever do. Many times I crawl into their minds to get the righjt emotion out. I use method acting for this and since I am vvery sensitive for other peoples feeling models that worked with me for the first time tent to call my shoots fun and psychological. Most up onto laughter and sometimes into tears. But always feeling good about it.


Оффлайн Forgiss

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Re: Working with a model
« Ответ #68 : Декабря 30, 2007, 02:38:12 pm »
In the last podcast I uploaded, there is a part where I am explaining to a girl how I want her to lick the lollipop. The shot didn't work at all, but it gives you a good idea about how we work:


Оффлайн Lvnel

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Re: Working with a model
« Ответ #69 : Декабря 30, 2007, 02:42:27 pm »
Even district related haha since we start almost every encounter with three kisses for the model and three kisses for the MUA.

I thought you are french (I was amazed at their ability to kiss everyone when we were in France), now I see you speak Dutch  ;)

Оффлайн DNF-Style

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Re: Working with a model
« Ответ #70 : Января 04, 2008, 02:44:56 pm »
Even district related haha since we start almost every encounter with three kisses for the model and three kisses for the MUA.

I thought you are french (I was amazed at their ability to kiss everyone when we were in France), now I see you speak Dutch  ;)
Yep we are dutch. I have a german father and we live in Belgium directly near the dutch border. But french, sometimes in bed only ;-) ;D

@Sean: Did you tried to lick that l;olly or attack it with your tongue haha.
Why don't you use an rf trigger to trigger your flashes. These things cost zip nowadays and make that you do not have to wait for you flash to reload, your batteries to be empty or forget to turn your flash when you turn your cam.
Enjoyed the vid.
« Последнее редактирование: Января 04, 2008, 02:54:57 pm от DNF-Style »

Оффлайн Forgiss

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Re: Working with a model
« Ответ #71 : Января 04, 2008, 11:56:48 pm »
Why don't you use an rf trigger to trigger your flashes.

Coming soon to a shoot near you. couldn't find a supplier of pocket wizzards here in SA, but we are aiming to get some next month :D

The flash units only need a slight change in light to trigger, so the extra flash is never flat, but it's heavy... it's just a make-shift sollution.

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Re: Working with a model
« Ответ #72 : Января 05, 2008, 12:37:31 am »
I use the Kepcor flash trigger that works really well.


On that modelling question. I work a lot with models who are not professionals and most of them are quite young. Had a shoot before Christmas with 44 models in one day, actually, in five hours to be precise and that was a tour de force. Okay, there were two longish breaks in between. There are few things:

1 - I only touch the models on the arms or on the back of the heads, brush hair out of the way and those things and only if I have to. Usually it's not important to have physical contact with them.

2 - Talking and making your models feel comfortable is very important. Most of the models are younger than me (yes, some could be my daughters), slimmer and probably prettier, too.  ;) They don't feel that I pose a threat to them and, to be honest, I wouldn't hesitate to be in the room with them on my own. Treat them the way you want to be treated yourself. (Okay, when I have a bloke in the studio I talk a lot of bull****). A photoshoot can be fun.

3 - Show them the pictures after you've taken a few. They will love it.

4 - Master your equipment. There's nothing worse to your own confidence and the model's if you're fiddling with camera settings, have problems triggering the flash, not getting the right exposure etc.

5 - I usually work without assistants. If I need a reflector, there's usually two spare hands coming from make-up.


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Re: Working with a model
« Ответ #73 : Января 05, 2008, 01:26:41 am »
I use the Kepcor flash trigger that works really well.


yep, there are a lot of solutions out there, but I specifically wanted the wizzards because I want to be able to remote trigger the cameras as well (for other shoots, not models :D )

As we travel a lot, we try and keep our kit light, and as it is now, 1 backpack with kit and notebook is 22kg :D

Оффлайн DNF-Style

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Re: Working with a model
« Ответ #74 : Января 05, 2008, 01:52:28 am »

As we travel a lot, we try and keep our kit light, and as it is now, 1 backpack with kit and notebook is 22kg :D
That raises a nice topic:
What equipment do you use