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Сообщения - Olezha

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Прочитал у них на сайте вот такое  (отсюда http://blog.pixmac.com/2009/01/30/get-usd500-for-500-pictures-on-pixmac/)

khz Says:
February 3, 2009 at 8:51 am
it is a nice promotion, and i have 2 questions:
- i couldnt see the termination part on your TOS. what is the minimum time for removing portfolio from pixmac?
- my images are seen on pixmac via fotolia, and also al lot of photographers too, what is the deal on such cases? looking forward for your reply

vitezslavvalka Says:
February 3, 2009 at 10:13 am
Hello KHZ, thank you for your comment.
1. Minimum time to keep photos at Pixmac is 2 years.
2. If you’re at FT, you can still try Pixmac with another pictures than those you have there. But generally, you don’t have to care about duplicities. We do.

Это что, значит фото нельзя удалять оттуда не год как говорилось раньше, а два года?

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