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Темы - khz

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General discussion / stock footage
« : Сентября 16, 2008, 11:40:49 am »
hi all,
i want to ask something,
do y know other stock footage sites than Istock, SS, sxp, revostock and pond5

more importantly, can y delete your images whenever you want at revostock and pond5?

and most importantly, is it wise to send to these sites :)

General discussion / most irrelevant keyword for your sale!
« : Февраля 08, 2008, 08:23:37 pm »
i really get confused on DT after their new feature, where you see keywords for your sales.
i cant believe my eyes when i see how irrelevant keywords can result with sales there, i just wanted to share one of them with you:
`fibre optics`
`gavel with old books` image
i would like to learn your ones...

General discussion / getty images up for sale!
« : Января 21, 2008, 01:02:00 pm »
here is the details :

"Getty’s shares have declined more than 47 percent in the last year"
it will be interesting to see what the new boss will do with istock ...

General discussion / Albumo 100 program
« : Декабря 10, 2007, 12:44:45 pm »
did you know that, if you contribute to Albumo's 100 program and get initial credits for ul'ing your portfolio,
you will not be able to get out from that site more than 1 years? :S
before sending to that site, i tried to read about any deactivation times and i couldnt find any time limits on the help, or tos at that time, then i mailed the support and they tell me about this,
i wonder if the contributors are aware of that?

General discussion / New Istock Prices
« : Декабря 08, 2007, 12:03:03 pm »
New Istock Prices looks awesome,
i hope SS follows the increase quick (as always)
here is the link:

General discussion / congratz DNF-Style!
« : Декабря 05, 2007, 12:08:03 pm »
i just got an email from istock, about istock's and getty'e `top 8 images` side by side today,
and one of DNF's images are on the list of `istock's best` too,
so congratz and keep them coming,
here is the link:

Illustration / illustrations - over supply?
« : Декабря 03, 2007, 12:36:30 pm »
i am not a guru on vector stuff, but i try to do when i time for that,
and when i check micro sites, i see that tons of new vectors come everyday,
do y think it is being over supplied?
and when compared with the vector guru's, i am so slow at producing vectors that, i stopped doing any :(
i think after some point, it will be less profitible to do vectors,
what do y think?

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