forum > Illustration

Do I find here exclusive on Istockphoto vector designer?

(1/2) > >>

I have question - Is that good business? More sales, better position in searching results??

thank you for answers girls and boys. :)

you never know how will it work for you before you'll give it a try, believe me.

if istock gives you more than 60% of monthly microstock income now - try it.

So why you are not exclusive? (If can I ask)
What is the reason?

I alwayce wanted to ask about it some microstock celebrity :D

1. - istock doesn't accept ALL of my works and as an artist i want all of my works be available to public. i want each and every of my picture to be available at least somewhere.

2. - istock doesn't generate more than 50% of my sales. going exclusive would give me less money than i have.

3. - diversification is smart. one month stock sells good, other month it's fotolia then it's shutterstock.

but number 1 is enough for me anyway. i would only go exclusive anywhere if i would be granted the fact EVERYTHING i produce will be accepted for sale.

thank you Lev

I thout that your every photo is accepted on IS :D

I think you have right - specially with diversification.

Best Regards :)


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