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shutterstock (international)

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:) i think a lot of people will do that

I guess SS may need some time to calculate how much they have to distribute before announcing a pay rise. SY

that's the reason for sure,
but it is way too long imo,
first, SS is increasing its prices every year, and they should have some stats about their customer behaviour, they are not doing it for the first time,
second, imo, they will increase .5 cent most probably as previous years,
third, again imo 2.5 months is a big gap between the price increase and commission increase,
and finally, they may calculate the difference of the old and new commission's at the end of the 2.5 months and pay it to the contributors,
for sure there will be old customers with old credits but, i am willing to take .30 for old credits and get higher for new credits
what do you think?
and sum of all, i am happy about the increase this way or that way  :))

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