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Оффлайн flynero

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Question about Fotolia
« : Февраля 05, 2008, 02:35:30 am »
I was trying to update my address on Fotolia and saw I was listed as Buyer there (I do upload and sell photos, though). And I don't remember that option when I was registering. I tried to change it to Photographer - and was prompted to enter my SSN.
Well, I'd rather not give my SSN at this moment. So I got back to "Buyer".
I tried to withdraw money through PayPal and it looks it should work.

The question: If I can, being a "Buyer", upload and sell photos and get my money, why do I need this "Photographer" and telling my SSN?


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Re: Question about Fotolia
« Ответ #1 : Февраля 25, 2008, 03:10:04 am »
I would suggest an email to support, seems nobody here knows the answer, but it would be great if you could up date us! SY