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Оффлайн josh_crestock

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Re: How is Crestock doing for everybody?
« Ответ #30 : Декабря 05, 2007, 03:40:25 pm »
I talked with the techies this morning about it. They seem to think they know what the problem is, and are hopefully going to fix it today.

In theory, uploading smaller batches will work. That would also explain why its only the heavier uploaders complaining about it.

Will keep you posted on this.

Оффлайн josh_crestock

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Re: How is Crestock doing for everybody?
« Ответ #31 : Декабря 05, 2007, 10:40:22 pm »
The tech team tell me they have reached a solution on this, and it should be working as normal. I hope this is the case, but please notify us asap if its not working.

Happy uploading!

Оффлайн Forgiss

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Re: How is Crestock doing for everybody?
« Ответ #32 : Декабря 05, 2007, 10:55:32 pm »
I talked with the techies this morning about it. They seem to think they know what the problem is, and are hopefully going to fix it today.

In theory, uploading smaller batches will work. That would also explain why its only the heavier uploaders complaining about it.

Will keep you posted on this.

I got the same error as dolgachov with a single image???

Оффлайн josh_crestock

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Re: How is Crestock doing for everybody?
« Ответ #33 : Декабря 06, 2007, 12:41:38 am »
have you tried it in the past few hours??

Оффлайн dolgachov

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Re: How is Crestock doing for everybody?
« Ответ #34 : Декабря 06, 2007, 04:34:06 am »
ok so far.

let's hope it's fixed.

Josh, i'm really impressed with reviewing speed last days. you're doing so very great and sales are boosting too. feels really good and smooth.

Оффлайн DNF-Style

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Re: How is Crestock doing for everybody?
« Ответ #35 : Декабря 06, 2007, 09:57:33 am »
Yep uploads are fine. Respect to Josh and the CS IT team for acting so fast.
Very lucky for me since DNF is bombing CS with loads of pics each day now (untill the Belgium bandwidth runs dry)

Оффлайн khz

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Re: How is Crestock doing for everybody?
« Ответ #36 : Декабря 06, 2007, 11:30:13 am »
high review times are great for me like you,
and fast responses make me feel to upload more asap,
thanks Josh,

Оффлайн DNF-Style

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Re: How is Crestock doing for everybody?
« Ответ #37 : Декабря 06, 2007, 12:38:42 pm »
Over 168 files in review que and over 500 Mb on it's way. Hell of a job guys ;-)
Ultimate test now on big batches.

Оффлайн josh_crestock

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Re: How is Crestock doing for everybody?
« Ответ #38 : Декабря 06, 2007, 06:12:18 pm »
Thanks guys.

We're working really hard on getting things tip-top before January (biggest month of the year)

Thanks for your input here, too. It helped us get things fixed up yesterday

Оффлайн shadow216

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Re: How is Crestock doing for everybody?
« Ответ #39 : Декабря 07, 2007, 08:53:27 pm »
hi, i've been having problems with attaching model release.. any advise?

Оффлайн Talya

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Re: How is Crestock doing for everybody?
« Ответ #40 : Декабря 08, 2007, 02:54:15 am »
I thought I will be mad but this is so ridiculous that I can not even get mad.  4 out of 5 my SS bestsellers (fifth was accepted earlier) were rejected,  2 out of 5  IS bestsellers (the rest was accepoted earlier) etc.  This is ok, you can have their own view, I understand. And I do not produce outstanding images. I understand rejection for composition, stockability, custom, even DOF and color.  But "out of focus", "lens flare on the right", ISO noise for photos accepted by all other stocks are beyond my understanding. Did I get all possible rejection reason or you have some more? My favorite cristmas image was accepted although. It does not sell anywhere but who cares  ;D

For clarification: I'm not complaining and not asking for double check. This tread sounded too good for me to be true and here we are.
« Последнее редактирование: Декабря 08, 2007, 02:58:32 am от Talya »


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Re: How is Crestock doing for everybody?
« Ответ #41 : Декабря 08, 2007, 03:03:26 am »
I thought I will be mad but this is so ridiculous that I can not even get mad.  4 out of 5 my SS bestsellers (fifth was accepted earlier) were rejected,  2 out of 5  IS bestsellers (the rest was accepoted earlier) etc.  This is ok, you can have their own view, I understand. And I do not produce outstanding images. I understand rejection for composition, stockability, custom, even DOF and color.  But "out of focus", "lens flare on the right", ISO noise for photos accepted by all other stocks are beyond my understanding. Did I get all possible rejection reason or you have some more? My favorite cristmas image was accepted although. It does not sell anywhere but who cares  ;D

For clarification: I'm not complaining and not asking for double check. This tread sounded too good for me to be true and here we are.

Welcome to the club, Talya! I am in the same boat, best selling images rejected and not selling images accepted! Enjoy the sales nevertheless, Crestock is at the same level as BSP for me so far... Grace God the upload process is easier now... SY

Оффлайн josh_crestock

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Re: How is Crestock doing for everybody?
« Ответ #42 : Декабря 08, 2007, 07:59:33 pm »
@shadow216: I'm sorry, but attaching model releases and anything related to the uploading process is not something i'm familar with. I'd suggest going onto the Crestock forum, and posting the question there. Thousands of those guys have done it before, so there must be someone who can help.

@Talya: Out of interest, I had a look at your recent rejections and I need to have a second look through these because I think a couple of mistakes have been made. I can't respond to every complaint on every forum, and, for the sake of my mental well-being I won't try.  However, in regards to your bestselling images being rejected (in this case I believe it, as i saw a couple that could really sell), although, in general, I hear this very often. Crestock, though admittedly not always getting it right, has emphasised the inspection process as an essential cornerstone in building a quality collection, from the start. I've had personal insight into the inspection process on other sites (Dreamstime, SS, SnapVillage) and I know in some of those cases there is, at times, very little inspection going on at all. I was really surprised by this, that there was so little method to their inspections. We're aiming to have a community-based team of inspectors that follows very easy-to-follow standards. These same standards will also be provided to the photographers, there is a need for this type of clarity in the process.

At the moment, growth is so fast, and images are coming in that, its a job for 10 people just to monitor and control the inspections. We're not 10, more like 3 on this, and we are going to miss some from time to time, while inspectors are getting the feel for things.

Finally, when thinking about standards, not so much technical, but more creative and conceptual standards... We can't be following other sites. We can't even think so much about them. It seems to me personally, that most of the other sites are on their way down. Its important that we focus on what will sell on Crestock, considering our market, and to satisfy the needs of customers, by providing quality images that they will purchase. Most importantly though, this isn't an excuse to reject images, good stock will be good stock, and unless we're making it ourselves, we rely on input from contributors.

In the near future, Crestock will have very clear standards, which both inspectors and photographers will read from.

Please direct unfair inspections to myself, or to helpdesk@crestock.com Unfortunalely, I don't have time to respond to every complaint from forum postings. Thanks!

Оффлайн DNF-Style

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Re: How is Crestock doing for everybody?
« Ответ #43 : Декабря 08, 2007, 08:19:02 pm »
Try the following:
Use tfp.crestock.com to upload your images (not in maps but all in the same map)
Use your login and password as provided by crestock to access your account.
When upload has finished go to your account and then uploads.
You will see how many photo's are seen on your FTP account click process these files and wait till it's done.
Next you go to the describe tab and finish the files of with keywords title and descriptions.
If done so go to review and submit

Finally you have come to the place where you can attach your model releases. So you could have gone there immediately if the above steps were already taken. Nobody has ever dead from being complete (other way around is more likely) so I'd thought I'd better describe the whole process for you.

Good, let's presume you have not uploaded your model release of this series.
To do so click Register new model
which will bring you to a form where you have to name it, tell the country , the Ethnicity, age category and other stuff. Also there you browse towards the model release on your hard drive and a photo of the model to make it visible.
Click save and wait till you are automatically get returned to the main page of the review and submit tab.

Good now you see the photo of the appropriate model release and the photo taken from the FTP.
Click the appropriate model release and tick all photo's it should be attached to.
Next click the button that says: attach model releases to selected

When done select all photo's you which to submit and press the button [i[submit selected[/i]
This will transfer your selected photo's to the pending tab

I guess when uploading using the upload feature of crestock the only difference is the process to get your files from you FTP account.

Hope this will enlighten things for you.
I have no bounds with Crestock whatsoever. I just like to help.


Оффлайн shadow216

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Re: How is Crestock doing for everybody?
« Ответ #44 : Декабря 09, 2007, 04:57:59 pm »
thanks Frenk,
I have done it that way but my images still gets rejected for missing MR's. have no problem with other images though.. thanks.