forum > Photography
Gray Card Recommendations?
I need a gray card, and I don't want to pay a lot of money for it. Can anyone recommend a good one? Also what makes a good card good? I've read about white cards that are 18 percent gray, and I've read about gray cards that reflect 18 percent light. What does all this mean? I just want a card (or other recommendation) to set my white balance on my digital camera (K10D). Thanks for the help.
I use #4964 supplied by this guys:
Site is quite awkward, but I like the card.
Why do you want to spend money on something that you can make yourself? Just create a document in Word or similar, draw a rectangle with the desired dimensions, fill with 18% grey (RGB 128, 128, 128 or #808080), print and presto! Your own custom size grey card for next to nothing ;-) ANd the trick with the hand was no joke, when not having a grey card at hand (pun intended ;-) the inside of your hand is a pretty good replacement. SY
So that's not a bad idea to print my own, but what printer do you use? Laser or ink-jet? What about paper type and brightness? Standard office paper is not very bright, I believe I have some 95 brightness HP paper, or would you use photo paper? Thanks.
I use our normal office printer (inkjet/ Epson Stylus DX 4050) and white 160g paper (called "card" paper in the UK) I think the most important thing is not to use any glossy/ shining/ reflective paper. Hope that helps, SY
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