Автор Тема: What size document?  (Прочитано 13331 раз)

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Оффлайн nicemonkey

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What size document?
« : Февраля 05, 2008, 07:41:26 pm »
How do you decide what size document to start with? I tend to go for A3 (297x420mm) plus 3mm bleed all round (303x426mm) for most of my illustrations or 350x350mm for square illustrations.

The reason I have chosen this size is because it gives a file size just over 48m uncompressed which is what Alamy require.

How does everyone else approach it?
Shutterstock Dreamstime [url=http://www.luckyoliver.com/portfolio/Nice

Оффлайн domencolja

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Re: What size document?
« Ответ #1 : Февраля 05, 2008, 08:48:29 pm »
I always go with a A4, no bleed crops, RGB color workspace.

p.s.: Btw, how's Alamy going with your work? I opened an account there but never uploaded s**t (well, actually I did try uploading 400 pics, but only around 30 got through because of the stupid uncompressed nonsense limitations). Never tried resizing my work just for Alamy. Is it worth it?

Оффлайн nicemonkey

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Re: What size document?
« Ответ #2 : Февраля 05, 2008, 10:38:31 pm »
I do my work at the size I do so I don't have to resize it for Alamy...and it covers all of the largest sizes in the other sites.

I havent had a sale at Alamy for a month or so but when you do get sales they are worth it. I have made as much there in the past 6 months as I have in the last year at Canstock, Crestock, Fotolia, Big Stock and 123RF combined!
Shutterstock Dreamstime [url=http://www.luckyoliver.com/portfolio/Nice

Оффлайн Edgar

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Re: What size document?
« Ответ #3 : Февраля 06, 2008, 03:07:34 am »
Vectors  only in CMYK I do. It's easy convert to RGB (for webdesigners) But converting to cmyk when you have much gradients it's not easy.

Bitmaps related to vector designs - about 7000 x 4500 px - RGB - only IS want smaller bitmaps (in vector case)


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Re: What size document?
« Ответ #4 : Февраля 08, 2008, 03:20:37 am »
How do you decide what size document to start with? I tend to go for A3 (297x420mm) plus 3mm bleed all round (303x426mm) for most of my illustrations or 350x350mm for square illustrations.

The reason I have chosen this size is because it gives a file size just over 48m uncompressed which is what Alamy require.

How does everyone else approach it?

I got a tip from Ron Chapple/ Iofoto one day that square format is beneficial because it takes up the maximum space for a thumbnail. Since then I try to make all my jpg illustration when possible in square format and the sales prove him right ;-) SY