Пожалуйста переведите это письмо, я вроде как поняла о чем речь, но все-таки не хочется ошибиться. Сумма которую они тут указали не вся. Они пишут, что остаток перечислят отдельно, да? А ничего что в остатке меньше 100 $? Что-то я не понимаю, что они тут намудрили и почему.
Thank you for your reply and for setting up and account with moneybookers. We
will be reissuing your missed earnings.
Please note that you will receive the following amount: $137.59
Особенно эта строчка меня смутила:
This amount includes all your missed payouts accumulated into one figure. The
previous two months payouts are included in this figure.
Any payouts that were not received at their appropriate payout time must be
canceled/unclaimed and returned to Shutterstock . Once Shutterstock receives
these funds they are then added back into your unpaid earnings. However,
these payments are treated differently than your regular monthly payouts.
They will be issued to you separately around the middle of the month. We
assure you that we are aware of this missed payout and that it should be
reissued to you separate from your monthly earnings 2 months from the time the
payout was issue reported t our technologies department.
We thank you for your patience and understanding.
Спасибо за помощь.