Вы не совсем правы. RM (right management) не обязательно исключает RF по крайней мере до момента продажи по RF.
Лицензия может быть экслюзивной или нет, лицензировать можно на определенный срок, скажем, эксклюзивно на определенной территории например (к примеру в конкретно взятой стране). А после этого делать опять что угодно с работой. Цена фотографии которая еще никем не пользовалась естественно выше.
В этом калькуляторе написано:
These prices are presented as a guide for negotiation. All prices assume one time non exclusive reproduction rights. Copyright should NEVER be sold. There is NEVER a legitimate reason to transfer Copyright except to deny the creator of the image. All licensing is dependent upon payment of the licensing fee. Use is not licensed until payment is received. Higher or lower prices will apply depending on use, uniqueness of the image, suitability, prestige of the photographer, credit lines, and other factors that should be negotiated. Disclaimer: If this pricing program causes you distress, financial loss, or marital discord, we take no responsibility - If it increases your income, business success, or educational standing, you are not obligated to pay for its use. Errors and ommissions: The program is new and may require some corrections. Please report any bugs to the webmaster. Direct your questions and comments to Photographers index webmaster. We would love to hear from you.