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Оффлайн sshaw75

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« : Января 13, 2008, 12:15:53 am »
Well sitting here on another very gray day, I have a few questions.  Does anyone have any suggestions for some interior lighting set ups?  It's that time of year where the days are pretty short, and usually pretty gray.  Looking for some info on some basic lighting setups to enable me to start shooting indoors on dark days.  What do you use for your inside product shots etc that isn't very expensive but works well?

Оффлайн domencolja

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Re: Lighting
« Ответ #1 : Января 13, 2008, 04:51:59 am »
Well, I don't use lighting for product shots, but my three flash setup works perfectly indoors. Don't have the money for studio strobes. I use two Canon 430EX flashes and a discontinued 550EX. All triggered via the ST-E2 unit.

p.s.: I believe Nikon calls the IR wireless trigger SU-800 (the cameras that have the commandeer mode can also trigger CLS flashes, that is SB flashes like the SB600 or SB800).

But it's pretty expensive to buy a whole setup of flashes and use them off-camera if you want E-TTL or CLS. Another way is to check old flashes and buy cheap radio triggers like the eBay ones or go with Pocket Wizards or Elinchrom Skyports. With these you can use any flash that works with a 6V (if I'm correct) signal. Older ones (like the Vivitar 285 (not HV version)) can burn your camera;) If I'd be in your shoes, I'd buy myself a couple (or maybe three) old Canon 540EZ flashes (Nikons could be ok too, but they got pretty pricy lately because of Strobist (like the SB26 or the SB28)) and get some eBay triggers (even if they are known to cause problems). And some hotshoe-to-PCsync adapters as well.

I could be talking about trivial information already known to you. I apologize if you already know everything about flashes.

p.s.: Anyways: a great resource is the Strobist blog and it's accompanying Flickr discussion group (where with a simple search you can find literally EVERYTHING about flash lighting (and not only - I'm sure there's plenty of info about "standard" lighting setups for product shots as well)). Links:
« Последнее редактирование: Января 13, 2008, 04:54:09 am от domencolja »

Оффлайн sshaw75

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Re: Lighting
« Ответ #2 : Января 13, 2008, 06:33:34 am »
Thanks!  I may need some more help with this as it seems a little greek right now lol.  Will the cannon flashes work ok off camera with nikon, as loiing as I get one of the ebay triggers?

Оффлайн domencolja

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Re: Lighting
« Ответ #3 : Января 13, 2008, 11:52:58 am »
True. Every, every flash will work with any camera as long as the camera has a hotshoe. If it has a PC sync connector that's even better (you can connect flashes to it directly by sync cord - if the flashes have the sync port, of course).

The flashes usually don't have a PC sync connector (some do, mostly Nikons and some Canons (as the 580EX, for example), but you can buy an adapter that converts the hotshoe to a PC sync port.

You can for example buy three receivers and one transmitter, put the transmitter on the camera hotshoe (or connect it to the camera PC sync), put receivers on flashes (via hotshoe directly or hotshoe adapter (depends on the model of trigger)) and that's it.

I reccomend you take a look at Lighting 101 on Strobist. Great stuff, let me tell you: http://strobist.blogspot.com/2006/03/lighting-101.html.

And do a search query on the Strobist discussion group on Flickr regarding the best eBay trigger (probably the 16 channel version or the 4 channel one (ver 2.0)).

I personally don't use them, 'cause I know that they can be unreliable, but some say they work flawlessly. As for me: I chose the Canon wireless way to retain e-ttl compatibility, but I'm probably soon buying radio triggers as well (in that case you have to use flashes manually, but that's not such a big problem after all).

Hope it helps, man. Before you do any purchases I beg you to read all the available resources on Strobist. I don't want you to curse me if something goes wrong;)

Оффлайн ann

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Re: Lighting
« Ответ #4 : Января 13, 2008, 12:10:24 pm »
domencolja, thank you for that very helpful strobist link.  smiles - Ann

Оффлайн Angarato

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Re: Lighting
« Ответ #5 : Февраля 29, 2008, 09:54:07 pm »
Hi! Just quick question for you guys - does anyone have any experience with Aikiphoto lights? On ebay they have different sets, the one I am considering now is:


Thank you in advance for reply!