forum > General discussion

Anybody up for a race?

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can't compete. going to teach for two months.

So you must really take your chances and get ahead. Because when I am back :)

Microstock is the first place I don't feel bad if somebody sells better - its just an encouragement to shoot and edit more!

So why don't we make it a "who uploads more till the end of February" race?;)


--- Цитата: domencolja от Декабря 31, 2007, 01:59:31 pm ---So why don't we make it a "who uploads more till the end of February" race?;)

--- Конец цитаты ---
Let's do it !!. It should be encouragement for all. My portfolio now is 2387 photos. By April, I intend to make 3000 !!

Elnur, with all due respect, don't discourage us before even starting it;))

p.s.: 600 is overkill, we might as well buy you a beer right away, now;)
p.p.s.: Good luck to all of us! I'm in!;)

I am in, just for the records, I am starting now with 659 images on line, shall we say dead line is the 29th 2008 midnight GMT?! SY


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