forum > General discussion
Anybody up for a race?
It always works that way, yes. The more I upload (in working days (weekends are a different story)), the more sales I get. It is obviously a matter of quality as well (not really quality, but "buyer suppositions based on thumbnail taste"), but mainly yes, I claim that Shutterstock works that way.
p.s.: It's certainly because of the 25 images per day subscription quota. Buyers check new images under the liked categories and go haywire "downloading everything that breathes";) And consequently they check the portfolios as well. If you don't upload (or don't upload that much), you don't get downloads.
p.p.s.: Other sites (most of them) work completely differently. It is my belief that a big chunk of downloads (again relatively) on Shutterstock happens without targeted search engine inputs.
Old (31 Dec) - 2387
Current (5 Feb) - 2889
+ 502
hopefully, next week, it will be 3000 on shutterstock.
elnur, khz, you guys are insane
you are machines!
And I am out of the game for a while, got a really bad tendinitis from walking and I can't sit before the computer more then a few minutes per day :'( SY
--- Цитата: Sybille Yates (hospitalera) от Февраля 20, 2008, 03:19:34 am ---And I am out of the game for a while, got a really bad tendinitis from walking and I can't sit before the computer more then a few minutes per day :'( SY
--- Конец цитаты ---
Oh dear Sybille, get well soon dear.
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