forum > General discussion

Anybody up for a race?

<< < (25/35) > >>

Start Portfolio size: 659
New Portfolio size:  738

=+79 (in total)

 :D SY

woot khz, you're on fire!

12/31/2007: 2.958
02/05/2008: 3.256

+ 298 (in total)


Empire strikes back !!  :D

--- Цитата: Elnur от Января 29, 2008, 11:47:35 pm ---Old (31 Dec) - 2387
Current (29 Jan) - 2735
+348   8)

--- Конец цитаты ---
Old (31 Dec) - 2387
Current (5 Feb) - 2823
+ 436

By the end of Feb, I will pass 3000 photo milestone....

I have to admit, I failed to meet my target of making 300 downloads a day which I planned for January. Maximum in January was 280 a day.

Quite unexpectedly, though... I beat my record for downloads a day for a single image - it was 34 and that was top-class achievement. Not sure, if I will ever beat that....

i was wondering where have you been :)
you were ul'ing and ul'ing while i talk here on the forums :D


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