forum > General discussion

Anybody up for a race?

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12/31/2007: 2.958
01/26/2008: 3.043
01/30/2007: 3.114

+156 (in total)

Elnur i am coming for the lead :))
Feb. will be mine for ul'ing numbers , even andresr cant beat me this month :P
ok, that was a little bit dreamy


--- Цитата: khz от Января 30, 2008, 02:35:34 pm ---12/31/2007: 2.958
01/26/2008: 3.043
01/30/2007: 3.114

+156 (in total)

Elnur i am coming for the lead :))
Feb. will be mine for ul'ing numbers , even andresr cant beat me this month :P
ok, that was a little bit dreamy

--- Конец цитаты ---
Reminds me of a song by The Smiths
Who can guess the title I have in mind?

is it:

- A Rush & A Push & The Land is Ours!

? :P

or this:

- I Want the one, I cant have
hihi, second might be the one you think ...


--- Цитата: khz от Января 30, 2008, 04:21:59 pm ---is it:

- A Rush & A Push & The Land is Ours!

? :P

or this:

- I Want the one, I cant have
hihi, second might be the one you think ...

--- Конец цитаты ---
No and Nope both wrong


total 1531

and the answer was Bigmouth strikes again  >:D


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