forum > General discussion
i've heard everybody have blogs now, even Britney Spears has one ;]
so i've finally set up one for myself today (registered ages ago and already forgot about it)
are using myspace? is it any good? is it worth it to have blog there and update it?
any artists here having myspace blogs?
Poor Darling,
You will have fun, be prepared to receive the strangest friend requests ever. I set one up ages ago also, but never went back to it, still getting some friend requests despite having an empty profile/ site.... But perhaps I should re-think things and clean my space there out and make it nice or even better make a "Photographic Freedom My Space", SY
My kids tell me The Facebook is better...apparently they have way too much free time! ;D
--- Цитата: kourafas5 от Декабря 04, 2007, 07:54:15 pm ---My kids tell me The Facebook is better...apparently the have way too much free time! ;D
--- Конец цитаты ---
shhhhush, and join us on FB ;)
you too lev!
I recently set up pages on both, and there are benefits of each. (These are my findings and my opinions) Facebook typically has an older, more mature belonging, but it is more difficult to post referral links, etc. MySpace is a little different crowd, you'll get a lot of spam mailings, but who knows, it's publicity. Myspace allows banners on your profile page, which is nice.
Hope this helps.
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